Instructional Rating Manual Skydiving Los Angeles

2020. 2. 16. 12:01카테고리 없음

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Date Time Person Description 18 Dec 5:30pm Governor of Washington State 19 Dec 12pm National Geographic’s photography team 19 Dec 2pm Eric, Travelers, Will & Grace. Brad, Creator Travelers, SG-1 20 Dec 2pm Team that runs a non-profit school in Cambodia 25 Dec 2pm Former CIA Case Officer Submitting: AMAs should be about:. Something uncommon that plays a central role in your life, or. A truly interesting and unique event.

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Southern California Skydiving Los Angeles


6 Jun. Specialized Profession. 27 Jul. Specialized Profession. 8 Jun. Medical.

5 Jul. Science. 9 Apr. Military Please check out our. I started 'skydiving' after going through military freefall school in Pau (France) in 2003 (I already had my static line rating.) Stopped logging non-working jumps after around 1000 jumps (work jumps are what counts to keep my instructional ratings current.) Skydiving is one of the, if not the sport offering the most diverse disciplines and is a lot of fun. If you are not being stupid.

Freefall couldn't be more different from what people imagine, so i thought this might be an interesting topic for people not having experienced it before (we call them whuffos in certain situations). My Proof: (Link to a video on my vimeo account showing actual skydiving instructional jumps - note the user name here and on vimeo.) Ask away!